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Research applications involve scientists and technology platform staff to address scientific research questions. At the core of the projects are scientific questions which requires the application or development of new technologies.

Event Driven Automated Microscopy

Event Driven Automated Microscopy

WHY DO EVENT DRIVEN MICROSCOPY? In a conventional microscopy study the researcher defines an experimental configuration, typically a combination of time-lapse, z-stack, multi-channel,...

Large Tissue Imaging using Light Sheet

Large Tissue Imaging using Light Sheet

Light sheet fluorescence microscopy (or SPIM – selective plane illumination microscopy) was named Nature’s Method of the Year. As demonstrated in the figure below, SPIM achieves optical...

Live cell/Spheroid Imaging

Live cell/Spheroid Imaging

Among the 3D cell culture methods, multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS) generated from cancer cells are attracting models to investigate the influence of malignant cell-interactions on cellular...

Illumina Sequencing & Library Prep

Run types by sequencer: Most of our sequencing is carried out on Illumina’s HiSeq 4000. The most commonly requested runs for HiSeq 4000 are single-end 50bp and paired-end 150bp but if you...

CRISPR-Cas9 technology

CRISPR-Cas9 technology

Genome Editing There is a revolution in the field of molecular biology that is a complete game changer. With the advent of the CRISPR-Cas9 technology in 2012, Genome Editing (GE) has become...

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